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Following up on my experience in the US

….Journal pages….

It is Saturday night and I am sitting on my bed after spending my entire day at university. My brain almost wants to explode… I have headaches almost everyday since I moved… Going back to school is an incredible challenge after so many years working in an office.

But you know what, I came to realized the most difficult thing is not the change of routine, it is instead: MY EGO. After many years working and being so independent, it is tremendously hard to walk in a classroom everyday with people younger than me and just try to understand what they call “super basic”. As I mentioned in my about page, I studied social sciences and worked for about 4 years in an environment where all the answers are correct as long as they were explained. Picking a master totally different from “my background” has been a “hell of experience”.

WHY? Because every time I walk into a classroom, I know I have to work at least 3 times more than any of my classmates… At the end of the day: I have never had codings classes, algebra, calculus…

Lincoln park, Chicago
Lincoln park, Chicago

Waitttt: I am not complaining, I am just trying to explain how hard it has been for me to just say:

“I do not understand”; “I struggle…”

When everyone around me seems to take it super easy. Hopefully, everything will get better soon.

CURIOSITY: most people ask me what I am really studying. I did mention it in one this previous post but let me know over it again. I am doing a master in analytics, data science. What is that? (you might ask yourselves)… Actually, it is just a fancy word to say that I treat data, in other words, I find methods to extract meaningful insights from data.

And you, guys: what do you do?

I hope you enjoy this post.

