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Month: January 2020

5 things you MUST have to work abroad

I have been living abroad for the past 9 – 10 years. Before that, I left my parents house when I was only 17 years old. Being an independent women is one of the things I love the most about myself but things were not always easy. I could write…

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WHY and HOW I became vegetarian

If you only knew how many times people ask me this question. 😀 I would be rich by now if I charge everyone who asks me this question $1. Anyway, I am finally, openly and publicly speaking about the fact that I Am indeed vegetarian. Most people ask me this…


Why I took a break from Social Media last month

Often people tell me I must be totally addicted to social media. Sometimes my friends make fun of me because I am always doing stories or posting something. However, believe me or not, I have very restricted rules about my time on social media. Did you know that in 2019…

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How American boys are

My friends, you have NO idea how excited I am to be posting this. How are men in the US? If you know me a little bit well, you also know I do not miss an opportunity to comment men, to admire male beauty and bla bla bla. Since I…

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My very big wish for 2020

Today I wanted to share with you something very personal but also very important for me that I hope, it will resonate with some of you. Before I talk about my big wish for 2020, let me tell you a story Four years ago, I started, without knowing, my path…

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