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Bye Bye 2022, Hello 2023 – I am SO Excited for You

How was 2022 for You? It has become a habit for me to sit down at the end of the year or at the beginning of the new year and look back. I am sure y’all have done it as well.

“What did I do?”; “What am I proud of?”; “What did I not accomplish?”  

2022 Was a Good Year!

I flew to Europe twice; Many of my friends finally made it to the US; I strengthened a lot of my friends’ relationships in Chicago. I got promoted, changed jobs, and even survived a layoff!

I also ran more than usual and most of my US trips [ Buffalo, Denver, and New York] were for races, which might sound insane to many of you. I finally learned how to play tennis and brought a crew of friends along on the journey [I am proud to say four of my close friends and I play tennis recurrently].

I met good and not-so-good men. I read 35 books and spent the two last weeks of the year in Costa Rica surfing and exploring the country.

Share with me how the year went for you,
