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Month: November 2019

A talk with myself

Dear Self, Take a deep breath. Life has become so busy that very often you forget to do the little tiny things that help you to remain in shape, mentally and physically. I see you. 😀 Always smiling, always spreading big hugs and strong words but I know inside you,…

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A wake-up call from life

About a year ago, I got my acceptance letter to join university in the USA. I have dreamed about that day for so long that in that morning, I could barely believe it was true. After that, you all know the story but let’s go back in time. 😀 October…

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Birthday Thoughts

New year ahead, New wishes to work on!!! Last year, I wrote a very long post about the lessons I learned for the past years. You can check it HERE and the year before a very cool one about the things I have done in life (here). I think these are…

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How to find motivation to exercise?

Guys, I have this post in my head for at least 4 months and it is finally time to get it out. Since I moved to Chicago, people ask me all the time: So how can you be so slim? And all suddenly people are like: Do you exercise? What do…

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