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Next stop: USA

This was not easy! I even cried when I received my passport with the visa because until that moment, I could not really believe that my dream of moving to the States was becoming a reality.

Honestly, the all process was so long and that I doubt until the last minute. As my mother would say: No one ask you to go there … But as I would say: If it was easy, it would not be for me. Anyway…

Anyway, what am I going to do in the US?

To study! I never hid (at least to my friends) that it was a dream for me to study at a Top university in the United States. Mine is top 9 worldwide (akaka me jumping and jumping !!)

Which university are you going?

The University of Chicago! I guess it will be a very cold year…

University of Chicago
University of Chicago

What are going to study?

I’m going to do a Master’s degree in Data analysis – Data Science. YES YES YES – I know it is something very different from what I was doing before BUT I was looking for that.

When are you going?

THIS MONTH! YES, I am flying very very soon.

Is this going to be your 1st time in the United States?

Not! I’ve been there twice: in 2010 (I wrote about my trip to MIAMI with EF) and in 2013 to celebrate my first work contract and my 22 years in New York.

And how are you going to pay that?

The question everyone asks me … With my savings and with a student loan. Let’s say the latter really had to be (no matter how much it costed me to go to the bank).


I’m organizing a few posts about the fact that I am going to the USA. Leave me a message if you want me to respond to something in particular. If you have more questions, just drop me a message.

