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When Christmas is not that perfect

I started writing this post a long time ago but I decided to delete it. I erased it as I did it with other articles… I just did not feel comfortable sharing such a thing. Then, I was looking at my post planning and I realized there was a post missing for this week. I decided to start over and put into words what I am feeling about Christmas. I hope this post does not send you negative vibes but I really wanted to share something a little bit more real than taking pictures of all the Christmas trees in Paris. So, let’s get started…

I grew up in a big family and for many years my Christmas was spent in front of a huge table full of food and a fireplace on the side. We would laugh all night, talk about nonsense things and share weird experiences we had along the year. We would eat until we could not move anymore, get tipsy and then dance or even sing. I still remember that! But over time everything changed!

The greed for money and land made my family collapsed; Later, the loved disappeared and my parents divorced. In 2012 in Portugal, 73.7% out of 100 marriages ended in divorce, my parents were part of that number. Christmas was never the same!

This year is another year I will not be spending Christmas with neither my mom nor my dad. They stopped enjoying Christmas and I did not want that to happen to me. So this year, I decided to spend Christmas on my own I ended up being invited to spend Christmas with friends, known and unknown people (God bless all my travel friends who keep saving me in my worst moments)…

I cry writing this post not because I am sad, I cry because I hope one day I will be able to give the Christmas I used to have to my kids… The Christmas I continue to dream of.

Merry Christmas to all of you!

