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The quarter is over

I am finally done with school. Not with the master’s though.

I finished my classes, assignment dues and finals last week and I could not be happier to have some time off to relax. Although student life is so much more flexible than working full-time, I never have the feeling I can relax. There is always something to study, something to learn, something to improve.

Some reflection about the past 9 months

At 27 years old, I decided to go back to school to learn something totally different from what I had been exposed to. I guess by now you all know that I went through hell in the beginning: feeling the dumbest person in the world, totally unworthy and completely lost about the path I was taking. I had decided to change my life, put all my savings in something I was really not good at in the beginning. Many were the classes I could not follow; Many were the group projects I could not add any value; Many were the moments I was too scare to ask if I had questions. BUT never have I ever thought about giving up. On my very first month, a student look at me once, after a class and said: ‘You can still give up, we haven’t really started classes plus, we have not paid the tuition yet.

As I received that comment, I knew I was doing the right thing: challenging myself! And why am I writing this? Because I hope all of you who read this article, who are going through an hard moment keep in mind that eventually, everything will be fine. Things will get better. 😀 Constantly changing, evolving and learning are essential characteristics that I urge all of you to do it daily. As well as I hope each one of you work on spreading more kindness and help towards others. At the end of the day: what did that person gain saying: ‘you better give up now’. Hurting others for free has become something so common in society that I hope you and also myself (I still have a lot to improve) will in the future pay more attention to leverage others potential rather than other’s hate. Thankful there is always good and less good people everywhere. I hope all of you, who might be in an hard moment (or not), surround yourselves with the best souls possible. People that believe in you, that smile at you, that understand you but also tell you when you do something wrong. These are the real friends and ones you really need in life.

I have three weeks off. I am not traveling this time because I am a bit tight with money but I have promise to myself I would be exploring the city non-stop for the following weeks. Anything in particular you want to check/ know about Chicago?

