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Travel Vaccination to South America

Leaving Europe usually means taking some health precautions. When I started planning the trip to South America I knew from the beginning I had to check all the vaccines I needed BUT I would always pull away the subject. It is boring, it is expensive and sometimes it can be painful. However, YOU HAVE TO DO IT! No choice about that. There is way too much information about vaccines on the Internet. ⇓ HERE a summarize post about vaccination.


Why should I be vaccinated?

No matter what country you are from and how experienced a traveler you are, you need to get some immunizations. Vaccination for South America is “OK” when compare to Asia… Here some description each one I took. You might find it useful if you traveling for the same countries.


Which vaccines do I need?

There are too many vaccines you can take. I discover some pretty funny names. 😀  All of the website will advise you to take almost all of them. My very best advice before anything is:


Vaccination will mostly depend on the country where you are going. Sometimes the regions, even the periods of the year can influence which vaccine to take. Anyway, knowing the precise countries will be very helpful.  For me, it was hard to find the information I needed because I did not define all the countries I wanted to visit. –

1. Yellow fever

Yellow fever virus is an RNA virus that belongs to the genus Flavivirus. Yellow fever virus is transmitted to people primarily through the bite of infected Aedes or Haemagogus species mosquitoes.

Yellow fever vaccine is highly recommended in South America and Africa. A single dose usually provides lifelong protection. ⇒ Some countries may ask you the vaccine before crossing the border.

Price: 20€ (in Portugal)

2. Typhoid fever

Salmonella Typhi is the bacterium that causes Typhoid.

Typhoid causes a high fever, fatigue, weakness, stomach pains, headache, loss of appetite, and sometimes a rash. The vaccine lasts for 5 years.

Price: 20€ (in Portugal)

International certificate of vaccination

3. Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A virus HAV is transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food and water or through direct contact with an infectious person. The risk of hepatitis A infection is associated with a lack of safe water, poor sanitation and hygiene (such as dirty hands). This vaccine is a lifelong protection one but it requires 2 shots usually with 6 months in the between.

Price: 22,80€ (in Portugal) 

4. Rabies

Rabies is mainly a disease of animals. Humans can get rabies when bitten by infected animals. Rabies can cause pain, fatigue, headaches, fever, and irritability. These are followed by seizures, hallucinations, and paralysis. Human rabies is almost always fatal.

Price: 37,50€ (in Portugal)

I thought about taking this one but at the end I did not. Since I am not supposed to work with animals my doctor thought I would not need it. Plus, this vaccine has to be taken in 3 doses (each more than 30€) and if an animal beats you, you have to take a new shot. Basically, the vaccine does not protect you entirely. – I just hope I will be fine 😀


Take the International Certificate of vaccination (in the photo above) with you, it might be asked sometimes. Also think about scanning the certificate in case you lose it or you get it stolen.  


When should I take the vaccines?

You should usually take vaccines 1 – 2 month before your departure (sometimes earlier). One important point, sometimes there are different doses of one vaccine. 😛 Doing it in advance is always a good option. If you have taken the vaccine before, check for how long it lasts (not all of them are for life).


What are the side effects of the vaccines?

Generally there are not side effects. :S You might get some fever and you might feel tired (the next 2 days after the vaccines I felt very very tired, actually).


Where can I take the vaccines?

Google international vaccines centers in your country!!! Usually you will find centers to get the vaccines and also doctors available for a travel consultation. 😀 I did not do the travel consultation but if you are not used to travel and you feel more comfortable about having someone to help you and give you all the information. Go for it!

PS: Make sure you have other vaccines in day: Varicella; Tetanus; Hepatitis B…


ALSO: Think about packing some medicines for eventual diarrhea periods and headaches crises!


I hope this post was useful. Keep traveling and keep doing it in a safe way.





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