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The Best fitness tips for beginners

Welcome to my very first post about fitness!

Do not run away… This one is for everybody, especially for those who do not exercise much.

I know some people do not like exercising; I know some people think exercising is hard and uncomfortable; and I also know some people think they will never have the time and the motivation to work out as others do.

So, here I am to prove you are wrong 🙂 Sport is for everybody and sometimes simple and easy exercises are enough to make big changes.

So, let’s get start…


1. Start with 2 sport sessions a week (40 to 60 minutes each)

Do not get too excited about exercising. Everything comes step by step and firstly, you have to get used to the habit of exercising (you and your body). If you start with 3 or more sessions a week, I guarantee you it will not last for long! DO NOT traumatize your body, instead, teach your body to enjoy moving.

Just do it regularly! Once you are used to and in a better shape you will challenge yourself more…


2. Run 20 minutes each session

When I say running, it can be cycling or swimming (any cardiovascular activity that you like).

In my opinion, running is one of the best cardio exercises and honestly, it is an “easy one”: you can do it anytime and anywhere. What is your cardio sport? Important: Running got very fancy and everyone does it today. DO NOT expect to be a professional runner over night: take baby steps.


3. Do side leg lifts – Adductors

Leg lifts are one of the best exercises to work out your abs and legs.

How to do it: Lie down and then lift your left leg out to the side as high as possible. Slowly return to the starting position. Complete 10 repetitions, and then repeat the exercise with your right leg. You can keep your free hand either on your hip or on the floor in front of you. Keep looking straight in front of you.

Sport exercises
Sport exercises
4. Do chair dips – triceps and major shoulder muscles

This exercise is amazing and all you need is a chair.

How to do it: So sit up straight on the edge of a chair extending your legs and slowly slide your body off the chair (without moving your legs). Lower your body towards the floor.  Important: your arms should form a 90-degree angle.


5. Do bicep curls

Bicep curls are one of the most basic exercises and you can do it everywhere.

How to do it: Hold one bottle of water (1L) in each hand and stand up straight. Then, let your arms hang relaxed and slowly raise the weights until your forearms touch your chest. Slowly lower the weights back into your starting position.


6. Build the perfect Brazilian butt

Walking, running or cycling are activities that work the gluteus but strength exercises will give you a rounded butt. Add a butt busting moves to your routine!

Squat is the best ever exercise. It can build a bigger bottom muscles.

Information: 3 sets of 15-20 repetitions (and you can do it everywhere)


7. Do bicycle crunches

Forget all the easy abdominal exercises that we used to do at school. If you want to see results: you have to push yourself to another level. 🙂 Plus: Strong abs will help you to avoid back pains, will increase your flexibility and will boost your agility. So, concentration and quality of the movements are crucial.

How to do it: Lie flat on the floor with the lower back pressed into the ground and place your hands slightly either side of your head. Lift your knees to a 45 degree angle. At first slowly go through a bicycle pedal motion with the legs. Alternately touch your elbows to the opposite knee twisting back and forth through the core.

Start with 3 series of 30 movements and try to do it in every session

Running in the park
Running in the park
8. Plank

I know it is hard but is work as hell. So maintain a position similar to push-up for the maximum possible time. 30 seconds to start.

Information: Following session, try to do 2 series of 30 seconds.


9. Stretching

A very important part of the sport session! Stretching after work out will guarantee you an adequate circulation of body fluids throughout your system.


10. Hydrate yourself

Drink at least 1L of water during your sport session. Once you finish your session, wait at least 40 minutes before you eat something.


I hope my tips can motivate you to start exercising. 😛

As you can see, a lot of things can be done at home or in the park. So, no more excuses! –> Good luck and share the results with me.


