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Tag: studyingabroad

Don’t forget to check on yourself

It was about a month ago that I came back from Mexico. I am not sure what happened during that week but the only think I know is that I came a totally different person. People might not see it from the outside but I know inside of me something changed.…

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How much I spent in my first week in Chicago

Hey Hey I know you always like when I talk about money. Quantifying things is always easier to know if what others do is also possible for ourselves, right? As so, I decided to write about my expenses during my first week in Chicago. Obviously I’ve already spent a lot…

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CHICAGO: my first impressions

Guys, I have been much more on Instagram (for those who do not follow: @danielamatinho) than in here. The main reason: it is much easier to show you in video and photos what I am living right now. Only a few days have passed and I already have so many…

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