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Sonia, a happy soul, mom and sports enthusiast

We met in Brazil in a guide tour in Chapada Diamantina. We did not need more than 1 hour to get along. I gave her my number to meet me for diner but she did not text me back. I was quite disappointed, actually.

That night, I went out for dinner and I ended up in the same place as Sonia. Some people I mean to cross your way (believe me). She had lost my number and that’s why she was not able to contact me. We chatted all night and I promised I would visit her in Córdoba. Months later, I was in Cordoba to visit her and all the family. It was AMAZING!

Please, meet one of the happiest persons I encountered in my trip to South America: Sonia. 

  • Name: Sonia Panighetti
  • Nationality/ Country where you are based on: Argentinian
  • Age: 49 years old
  • Occupation: Independent, working on the Real Estate sector
Hello world, I am Sonia
Hello world, I am Sonia

A little bit about yourself…

I was born in Córdoba, Argentina. I lived for several years in Tierra del Fuego, as people usually say: the end of the world. Tierra del Fuego is one of the most peaceful places on Earth, where you can really connect with nature. Although I enjoyed living there for 23 years, at some point I felt the need to return back home. I love the mountains in Córdoba and now that I am back, I spend most of my time working, exercising, and enjoying the daily moments with my family. I have a 27 year old son (Dimas), 2 dogs and a beautiful house.

Things you like to do… 

I love sports! I enjoy going for bike tours in the mountains, trekking, running, and going to the gym. I like to sing, dance and I love the cosy reunions with friends. There is nothing better in the world than talking and exchanging ideas with others. Traveling is something that I keep enjoying more and more.

Cycling is one of my favorite sports
Cycling is one of my favorite sports

A funny story about yourself… 

I recall a situation on the border of Argentina and Chile. Officials associated my identity card to a man. Taking advantage of the error and wanting to laugh about it with my travel friend, I told the officials that name was my old name (before doing an intervention to change my sex). As so, my name now was Sonia Panighetti. You cannot imagine their faces of shock looking at me after my confession. Of course, later I told them I was joking. We laughed about the all situation, and we ended up having mates (Argentinian tea drink) with them at the border of the 2 countries.

When did you start traveling? 

I started traveling many years ago, initially with my partner, then with friends and lately alone. Traveling solo is something I discovered not many years ago but I honestly appreciate it. I like the fact that you meet a lot of people on the way; I like not having schedules and fixed activities; I like the freedom.

In Cartagena (Colombia) with my new friends
In Cartagena (Colombia) with my new friends
Sunsets, kids and beaches in Barú (Colombia)
Sunsets, kids and beaches in Barú (Colombia)

What motivates you to travel? 

Discovering new places, customs of other countries and languages. But what really motivates me to travel is the possibility to meet beautiful people.

What is in your travel bucket list?

Cuba, Peru, Indonesia to start… I really want to know these countries.

Poço da Pratinha, (Chapada Diamantina) Brazil
Poço da Pratinha, (Chapada Diamantina) Brazil

Do you travel alone? And why?

I have done 2 trips alone. And I think, there is a Sonia before traveling solo and after. I really enjoy traveling alone. I love not tying myself to any plan; I love having the capacity to decide what I want to do each second; I love not having a path to follow; I love living the moment.

Night lights in Barú, Colombia
Night lights in Barú, Colombia
Dani, Charlène and Myself
Dani, Charlène and Myself

How many countries have you visited?

8 countries
8 countries

What is your favorite country so far? 

My favorite country so far is Brazil. I love the people, the beaches and I have to admit I had met amazing travelers and Brazilians on the way.

If you ever doubt about visiting Brazil: let me introduce Maceió to you
If you ever doubt about visiting Brazil: let me introduce Maceió to you
Chapada Diamantina, Brazil
Chapada Diamantina, Brazil

What was your worst moment while traveling? 

Once I had an incident in a hostel with a person, who talked to me in a disrespectful way. Lucky me, the owner of the hostel understood what happened and acted immediately, changing the guy to a male room.

Let's have some cocktails on the beach
Let’s have some cocktails on the beach

Tell me a funny story that happened to you during a trip… 

Months ago I was traveling in South America and I met 2 Spanish travelers who wanted to do a trekking in a national park. As they were traveling in a low budget, we decided to try to get in the park without paying the entrance (I know, I know… do not judge me! BUT the entrance was really expensive). We got there very early, we crossed the guards (one by one) without being seen…  Like loophole and once inside other travelers, who were leaving the park, gave us their bracelets. At the end, we could enjoy the park without any problem. Hahaha Please, do not learn from my bad example and buy your ticket everywhere.

Me and my Spanish friends, who I met in Colombia
Me and my Spanish friends, who I met in Colombia

Where do you want to go next? And Why? 

Cuba! A friend of mine traveled to Cuba recently and she came back fascinated with the culture and education of the locals. Since then, Cuba is on my top destinations.

Facebook: Sonia Panighetti

Thank you Sonia 😀

You are AMAZING and I miss your good vibes!


Espero que tenham gostado. Deixem os vossos comentários e sugestões pff.


