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From the Saddest to the Happiest person I have ever been

Many people ask me how I can have so much energy and always be happy. The short answer is: I am not always happy! I am human! I have my days, but I can consider myself a “happier” person than average.

Why? That’s what I want to talk about today. How did I go from the completely depressed student in 2019 to who I am today? Again, the answer is short but complex at the same time: 3 THINGS CHANGED MY LIFE.

1. Gratitude

I know everybody is taking about this now, but I promise you my life has completely changed and my mood since I start practicing gratitude. Last year, when I went to Mexico, I read the book called The Magic’ from Rhonda Byrne. One of the challenges from the book was to practice gratitude for 10 things in life daily. Ever since, I have incorporated that on my routine. It might sound super simple, but it really changed my perspective towards life. Every time I am having a bad day, I go back and read them. That is a reminder of how lucky I am.

Be grateful!

2. Sports

Everyone who has been following me for a while knows how sports are important for me. Last year, I almost stopped exercising because of school. A few of you might not know but I lost weight since I moved to Chicago not due to sports but due to STRESS. With stress I tend to lose weight (I lose appetite) and hair (I pull my hair in stressful moments). I lost weight and confidence in my body and for a period I almost couldn’t look at myself in the mirror and say: I am beautiful. Anyways! Now I feel way much better and sexier due to sports (believe it or not).

Sports: yoga, running, and gymnastics helped me so much to go back to a normal active life. I don’t comprise exercise anymore today because more than helping me to be fitter, it helps my mind to calm down. And that’s why sports are almost like a drug!


3. Stepping out of my comfort zone

You might argue that I am constantly stepping out of my comfort zone but for me, I don’t always see it that way. I am the kind of person that never thinks it is enough. That’s the way I see myself. Cutting out the thought (I am not enough) it is sometimes very hard. Since I joined university, I constantly felt dumb and the worst in class. For months I relied 100% on my friend Yuling to explain me material, to check my homework, to cheer me up. She was the best school partner I could ever asked for.

About 4 months ago, I finally stepped up! I felt it was time to let the fear go. I knew I needed to do my homework alone, attended to classes I want and apply for the jobs I dreamed of. And suddenly, I started getting 3-4 interviews a week. I started asking questions in class and not feeling sorry for how stupid my questions were. And on my finals, I realized I had performed same or even better than in the past when I was so afraid to be wrong. This little step enabled me to understand that I can do it, not because of others but because of me.


Proving that to myself was a game changer in 2020, and I take a lot of accountability to my happiest for that. Maybe other things will impact your life and level of happiness, but I know these three completely changed me!

What about you? Any thoughts of what might matter more for you?


Photo by Emma Simpson on Unsplash Photo by Gabrielle Henderson on Unsplash Photo by Andreas Weiland on Unsplash Photo by vaun0815 on Unsplash


  1. Michelle Carreño Michelle Carreño

    Amazing! So proud of you 💕

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