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Day 1: 21 Day Meditation Challenge

Good morning everyone ☀️

I started a meditation challenge with a few friends this week and I thought it would be nice to share it to more people. As I mentioned many times here, I have been practicing meditation for a few years now. My journey has been long and I am constantly learning and evolving. As many of you have asked me, I thought it would be nice to do this little challenge together. What do you think?

Brief explanation: Every day for 21 days, I will be posting here a different challenge that is composed by the a task and breathing exercise. This challenged was created by Chopra – You can find more information here. I am here sharing it and adding a few details that I believe are more aligned with you, my dearest followers and friends.

Day 1 out of 21 days🌎

CENTERING THOUGHT OF THE DAY: “Today I notice the abundance that surrounds me.”

1. Meditation:
Listen to the audio and repeat the mantra – Audio HERE.

2. Task:
In your notebook, make a list of at least 50 people who have influenced your life. They can be living or already departed people, your relatives, friends, celebrities, writers or even personalities whom you do not necessarily know personally. Think of everyone who has influenced you one way or another and how they have contributed to your growth & development. The list must have at least 50 names!

In the process of making your list, think about why you chose each person. How have they changed your life for the better? Reflect calmly and thoughtfully. Remember the best things about each person you have listed and what they bring to your life.

At the end, if you feel: Post Day 1 Done

Start strong, enjoy the process, and be open! 🌺


Photo by Simon Migaj on Unsplash