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Category: Sport

What I eat as a vegetarian

As I promised, I am back with this subject of being vegetarian because many of you asked me to share more about what I eat and how replace meat/ fish. If you did not have the time to check my last post about being vegetarian, please read it before digging…

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WHY and HOW I became vegetarian

If you only knew how many times people ask me this question. 😀 I would be rich by now if I charge everyone who asks me this question $1. Anyway, I am finally, openly and publicly speaking about the fact that I Am indeed vegetarian. Most people ask me this…


How to find motivation to exercise?

Guys, I have this post in my head for at least 4 months and it is finally time to get it out. Since I moved to Chicago, people ask me all the time: So how can you be so slim? And all suddenly people are like: Do you exercise? What do…

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Machupicchu: the Inca trail

Peru and Machupicchu were another highlight of my trip in South America. Machu was in my bucket list for so long and I am so glad I could finally visit and enjoy it. Machupicchu is one of the 7 wonders of the world but I have to admit very touristic…

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