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10 formas de continuar motivado – Parte II

How to stay motivated? How to never give up on things? How to stay focus? 

I have already talked about motivation and how the video Be Phenomenal helped to fight for my dreams. No matter which kind of goal you have: losing weight; changing job; moving to another country; reading more… Sometimes it is hard to keep it up… Believe me: it is not your fault – Motivation is not magic!

Even when you really want something, staying motivated, it can be difficult. 🙁

So, How to stay motivated to pursuit my goals? Find out about my 10 tips to stay motivated and pursuit your objectives.


1. Set your goal

We work for what we believe! I believe everyone has a purpose in life. Setting up your goal it is the most important step to achieve what you want for life. So, first advice: determined very carefully what your goal is.

Think out loud, talk to friends, write down ideas until you are able to describe in detail what it is. If you want to lose weight, do not tell yourself: “I want to get slimmer in 2016″; Tell yourself: “I want to lose 10kg by the end of 2016″. ALWAYS SPECIFY YOUR OBJECTIVE!


2. Make a list of reasons

Why do you want to accomplish your goal? Why do you want to lose weight? Why do you want to be rich? Why do you want to travel more? Think, write and memorize all the reasons why you want something so bad. Achieving goals will ask you to be patient but also, hard-worker and determined. Keeping in mind YOUR REASONS will help to stay focus and never give up on things.


3. Save your energy

A new idea has come to your mind and you just want to do everything to put it up. Save it! Save it! Sometimes we get too excited/ too obsess with something but one week later, we end up doing nothing with that great idea.

Next time you get a good idea: write it down and give time to your mind to assimilate it. This process will allow you to enjoy your project without getting tired/ sick of it.


4. Do not be so hard on yourself 

Today, I recognize I failed some of my goals because I was too tough with myself. Achieving your goal is important but never forget: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO “mentally kill yourself” for it. Always reward yourself at each step accomplished. Sometimes your goal will take a long period to get it done, so, be patience and take care of you. 😀


5. Be narcissistic and full of yourself

Positive energy is important to keep you up. I have learnt in life that none will ever tell you how great and fantastic you are (except your real friends). So, if you are trying something different, People will often put you down and discourage you. Be narcissistic: LOVE yourself more than anyone else. Be proud of you and fulfilled of what you have achieved and what you have become.

Important: Being full of yourself, does not mean acting like you are better than others. 


6. Read motivational stories and speeches

Read books, listen to podcasts and watch videos of people you appreciate and people that have got what you are looking for. Check everything about your idol and all the steps he/she has been through to achieve his/her goal! Things do not happen overnight. Every happy end comes with a lot of effort!

I remember when I was studying for the GMAT, I used to read many stories about “how people were preparing themselves to get the score they wanted; what they were eating; what they were afraid of; what they were finding difficult in the exam; what they were struggling with”. Knowing that I was not alone dealing with the exam, it just felt sooo good.


7. Exercise your body and eat well

Believe me, exercising often is very important to your body but mainly, to your mind. Exercising allows you to think profoundly about you and your goals (my best ideas always come when I am doing exercise).

Food: Be nice to your body and feed yourself with the best of the best.


8. Eliminate distractions

There are people who will never be as courage as you are and, unfortunately, they will often walk you away. There things and events that will make you doubt in you and in your skills. Be focus! Understanding the good and the bad for you, it is an important and hard step. Remember: The right choices are often the most difficult ones. Be brave!


9. Make it fun

“How many of you have diet?” Many! “How many of you have gain the weight you lost after the diet?” Many! “Why?” Because you and your body do not like to be opposed! Learn how to enjoy your ride and make it fun. Once you find a way to like what you do, everything turns out to be possible.:D


10. Never give up

Often, difficult moments put us down and discourage us. No matter how tough and how long will take you to achieve your goal, never ever give up on your dream! Working hard is something that you will have to face it if you want to achieve your goal. There is no shortcut, believe me! So, keep trying until you get what you want.

If you look for a change in your life, start for changing yourself!

Hope you enjoyed this post and that my tips will keep you motivated to achieve your goals.





  1. Dobry artykuł. Super stronka.

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